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TaYna, 52 - 13 августа 2007 22:50


From the book "Diamonds in the Dust"
by Joni Eareckson Tad

"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace give us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

If love could be measured, it would be measured by how much it gives. Would you like to know the extent to which you love your children, your spouse, your roommate, or your co-workers? Then ask yourself: How much do I give? To be honest, love that gives without limits doesn't even ask that question. Love like that doesn't even care to measure itself. It just joyfully gives without taking any notice of how much has been sacrificed.

That's how God loves. And the measure of the love of God is in what, or I should say, whom He gave. He gave His Son. His life. His only begotten. He gave everything, nothing held back, every last ounce, all in all. He squandered His love extravagantly and unashamedly on vile sinners.

That's why God should be so easy to trust. With you He never uses words of despair or defeat, hopelessness or frustration. His encouraging love never mentions fear or failure. Those, aren't words of love. Not His love. When God encourages your heart, He speaks words of hope and victory, rest and peace, joy and triumph.

Read today's verses again and you'll discover God's eternal encouragement. It's the measure of His love. If your heart needs to be strengthened today, let Him speak to you His loving words of hope and comfort.

Because Your love is in my heart, Lord, I have something to give. I know Your love cannot be idle in my soul; it must grow in me and I, in turn, must give without measure. Encourage me today with You extravagant love and help me to see that You are absolutely worthy of all my trust.
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