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Nini, 36 - 17 марта 2008 02:10

Come on down, let's walk alone
so i can tell you some secrets of my own ...
to speak the truth, coz it's the time
to open my heart, to do a crime
so you can kill or let me live ...
happiely ever after, with the word you give ...
but before you speak there are things you should know ...
before you even say yes or no ...
the story of a man who lost his heart ...
who's living a life, which is torn apart ...
who's waiting for an angel to whipe his tear...
so he can recover and have no fear...
but my last tears are wanting you ...
to whipe em up... to give me the clue ...
to give me back my faith again
to love me back and wash these stains...
so i can feel i'm home again...
coz my hopless world is starting to drain...
so please releave me and ease my pain...
so i can feel i'm home again...

Please don't speak,
don't say a word...
for all i know is ...
you are my world
you are my truth...
you are my eyes...
you are my hope...
so don't deny...
don't tell a lie...
you got the lifetime
no rush ... till i die ...
and i'll be waiting here for you ...
untill my last days,
and you know it's true...
untill you open up your heart
so we can get our lifes to start
together again, as we meant to be...
for ever again, for eternity ...
so we can build the future ...
rearrange the history...
for i know tommrow is a better place ...
to stay with you... to enjoy the grace...
so let us live... don't say a word
don't do a thing just beg the lord...
to give you love right back to me...
coz that's the place your meant to be...
and i will kneel...
and beg the lord...
to bring you back into my world...
but till my dreams can reach the light...
just let me live... don't say a word...

1 paren mne napisal kak vam??? :)
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